Download donkey kong tropical freeze wii u
Download donkey kong tropical freeze wii u

download donkey kong tropical freeze wii u

Overall, not the worst game I've ever played, but not exactly what I was hoping for. Graphics are pretty good, but I sort of miss the classic look. DEVELOPER: Monster Games, Retro Studios. Side-scrolling 2.5D platform game Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze was created by Retro Studios and Monster Games for the Wii U. You can't change characters, they just ride on your back and give you extra abilities (mostly extending your jumps). Platform game Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze was created by Retro Studios and released by Nintendo for the Wii U in 2014. It gets pretty tedious, shaking the controller every time you need to break a box, and although there is a dedicated button for it on the Pro Controller, I still feel like I am missing out since playing on the Wiimote feels better in almost every way except thi s. When using the classic Wiimote, for some reason the only way to break boxes or to perform your attack is by shaking the controller.

download donkey kong tropical freeze wii u

In addition, some of the button mapping is questionable and hard to adapt to, for instance, picking up barrels with the R button just feels all wrong to me. The controls feel lagged (even more than usual), and clunky. Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze Reptobismol 7 years ago 1 Like a few other guys I opted to download this for the CN Platinum thing, but I'm a bit hesitant to put it onto my Wii U as I already moved a bunch of stuff over and am probably not chock full of space. Unfortunately it didn't have the smooth staccato gameplay of the originals where you could just pick up and play them. I heard this game was a true homage to the classic DKC games on SNES.

Download donkey kong tropical freeze wii u